Thornton Farm
In 2015, our family (Myself, Blair, Rhodes, Alle, three cats, one dog, and two horses) took a leap of faith and moved from the lake to land in the country.
We found the perfect piece of land with a two-story farmhouse to renovate and embarked on an 8-month renovation.
“We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned to have the life that is waiting for us.”
- Joseph Cambell
Our first goal was to build a barn and paddocks near the home so the horses were always within view. Animals are a big part of our lives. I truly believe they are one with our souls.
The farm life and the land welcomed us with a warm embrace and a slower pace to heal and grow. It was exciting to be the designer and client, taking this existing charming two-story farmhouse and designing a modern farmhouse.
My intentional design was to blur the lines between the exterior and the interior. I designed large picture windows overlooking the property, filling our spaces with natural light. I knew that I wanted to be immersed in nature at all times.
Let there be Light.
Blair and I did all the demos in the evenings. We took the home down to the studs and opened as many walls as possible to create a more spacious footprint.
We extended the back of the home 15’ to allow a larger kitchen, living room, upper studio, and bedroom. In designing the interior spaces, I gravitated to natural materials, white oak floors, reclaimed woods, white paint throughout, and a dark charcoal accent.
It has a nice balance of highs and lows. I love a curated collection of vintage woven throughout my design.
Follow your intuition and create a life that makes you feel good.
Believe in yourself!
Our family loves a natural wood-burning fireplace and a roaring fire. So, two fireplaces were a must, a living room and a screened porch. Blair and I worked with a local mason to ensure the design and build.
The screened-in- porch is an overall favorite of mine; weather permitting, I love to have my morning quiet time on the porch with my cats (Finn, Sister, Kip, and our dog, Buster. The horses also love to meander up for a visit, hoping to score a treat.
Note. . . If you live in Alabama or the south, for that matter, a screened porch is an excellent relief from the large mosquito population.
The 22’ x 24’ porch was added during the renovation. It has a wooden frame with large bay screens for all the views, exposed rafters, a metal roof, a natural concrete floor, and a handmade hog-wire three-drum chandelier. Two fireboxes flank the large mortar and sand-brushed fireplace filled with wood year-round. You never know when you might feel the need to build a fire.
I have been known to build a fire in the middle of summer. :)
I want to share one aspect of this home that struck me upon the first visit. The sunlight stretches its soft rays and shadows throughout the home as it rises and sets in the evening. It is like a divine hug from God and a reminder that we are not alone.
The farm has given us the freedom to create a new life and dream of ways we can share our home and our land with others. I am carrying several dreams to do just that; the first dream has come to fruition with Shop the Farm. I look forward to sharing more in the future.
Our home should be our haven to nourish and heal our souls after a long day.
Calligraphy of a favorite quote by my friend Suzanne Cunningham. Image by Alle Thornton.